These is course explains what an ACL is, what happens when it is torn and what the best research evidence says we should do if this happens.

You will learn that surgery is not the only or best option to manage every ACL injury, and you can gain confidence commencing physiotherapy and exercise.

Hi, I’m Kieran!

I work as a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist in Australia.

I have completed my Physiotherapy degree, a post-graduate Masters degree in Physiotherapy and a doctorate-level Fellowship in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy!

I run lectures and workshops to health care professionals nationally in Australia on the topic of ACL tear non-surgical management.

I am running this course to help patients better understand ACL injuries and their available options if they or their family/friends experience an ACL tear!

Sign up for the "Facts to know before considering ACL surgery" course today!